Thursday, May 30, 2019

What Do Cats Think About Humans

Your cat poops on the carpet. Homes with an estimated three cats for every dog on the planet.

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To get a cat to file a non cat creature into that last category it must be introduced at a very specific point in the cats life.

What do cats think about humans.

Part of the appeal of cats is that they are independent creatures.
What cats think of humans can be a mystery.
You can train them to do all the fun things that dogs dofetch roll over.

Cats also think about how to get food and they develop some pretty impressive skills to do it.
Scientists conducted an experiment where they attached food to the end of a string.
Quite specifically he says that they treat humans as if they were their mama cat.

While the relationship between man and his best friend could be characterized as mutual necessity cats simply stick around for the fringe benefits of human society.
Cats think youre just a a slightly big dumb non hostile cat.
After that all non cat animals are either prey or potential death including humans dogs horses raccoons.

Today more than 80 million cats reside in us.
Whats more cats alter their purr to change the meaning of the vocalization.
Many of us get annoyed or frustrated when a fellow human being ignores our verbal and body language cues.

They hunt alonethey are solitary eatersbut they are social.
Before it reaches the age of around eleven or twelve months.
Since cats first got their adorable claws into us about 9500 years ago humans have had a love affair with felines.

Comparing cat and dog behaviour is one of the mistakes that lead many people.
Cats dont just purr when being stroked by humans they also use it in interactions with each other and with their kittens.
Cats pulled on the string and found the food.

The cats started to learn that pulling the string led to food.
This is isnt too surprising.
How cats think cats can be trained.

Perhaps one of the most renowned vocalisations of cats is their purr.
Heres the important part though.
When cats think humans are cats they tend to get frustrated with the humans and try to communicate with teeth and claws when their efforts at more subtle communication fail.

Yes they live with us and we feed and care for them but often they decide when and how they show us affection.

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